Barbara Moran
Barbara is a native of Boston, Massachusetts. After graduating from University of Wisconsin, Madison she went on to teach for five years. When Barbara first moved moved to Los Angeles she purchased a welcoming service which introduced businesses to newcomers relocating into the area. She has been active in the relocation service field since 1996. Barbara has been an Executive Relocation Specialist, Managing Partner and is presently CEO of AIM Resources, Inc. focusing on strategic planning and business development.
Judie Miller
A California native, Judie grew up in the Los Angeles area and graduated from the University of the Pacific. She went on to work at Walt Disney Productions, and later joined AIM Resources, Inc. as an Executive Counselor. She became manager of the company's operations and is currently serving as President. Judie has been in the relocation industry for 18 years. She is responsible for managing all aspects of the company, including marketing, operations, and coordination of services. She is committed to leading the company in providing outstanding and comprehensive service.